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RC Home | How To | Change Battery Connectors Safely



RC How To:

Change Battery Connectors Safely



This how to will show you how to safely change the connectors on your batteries regardless of type. This is not as simple as just adding different connectors to wires, there are more precautions needed because of the potential danger of doing this on a live battery. Fire could be a result. Please see our Terms of Use for before going any further and understand that you do this at your own risk.


The first thing you'll need to make sure of is that you have a good soldering iron and a set of female plugs for the ends of your choice. You'll also need a few other things below:


RC How To - Battery Ends Change



The first thing I do is tin the wire connectors on the ends. I will be using deans connectors for this 4s battery. I use my handy soldering jig from Killer Bee CNC and it makes easy work of it.


Killer Bee Soldering Jig



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